"Athletics" encompasses a variety of disciplines, short and long-distance race, jumping, and throwing.
It is a sport in which team members encourage each other, plan to achieve their own goals, incorporate the latest training methods, repeat trial and error, train hard, and the results are clearly expressed in numbers, along with the diversity of the members. Track and field is a sport where the results are clearly manifested in numbers, and it contains many important elements for companies to continue their business activities.
For more than 70 years since its establishment as a manufacturer specializing in track and field, NISHI Sports has continued to support athletes through the development of track and field equipment, electronic device, sports apparel, and training equipment, as well as through the measurement of athletic records and support for competition management.
Our slogan, "Everything we do is for athletes" expresses our core values. In order to bring out the best performance from athletes, we will continue to provide the best products and services by always incorporating the latest information and technology, making efforts in product development and service provision, and always listening to our customers' opinions.
And in the future, along with athletics, we aim to provide more value to all athletes who love sports by working on other competitive sports, training fields, and health and lifelong sports. Furthermore, with our vision of contributing to society and creating a better future through sports, we will actively work to solve social issues through sports.
We look forward to your continued support and thank you for your loyalty to NISHI Sports.